Refuse to be a loser. Refuse to be a victim. The world is out to convince you to be a victim of something. They want you to feel sorry for yourself so they can control you. They want you to hang your head in shame. They want you to believe their lies about you.
Be defiant. Stand up against the victim narrative. In history we learn of all the strong men and women who refused to be victims. King David, Marcus Aurelius, Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko. Remember Women like Maya Angelou, Winnie Mandela and the bleeding woman who touched the helm of Jesus’ robe
I am glad to say this about myself, I am not a victim of my ego. I am not a victim of culture. I am not a victim of addiction. I am not a victim of poverty. I am not a victim of backward thinking. I am a victor.
Stop allowing people to label you. When someone says, you are no good just don't go along with it. Fight sharply against anything that is said to diminish you greatness. Call people out or laugh at them for saying demeaning things about you. Some of the most diminishing labels come from the people we love and trust. A diminishing label might come in the guise of a joke from a friend or veiled as a warning of love from your parent.
I was a sickly boy. I had severe asthma growing up. I spent the early years of my childhood in hospitals . When my mom would see me playing in the rain or doing things that typical village boys do like playing rough or climbing trees and going rabbit hunting she would admonish me and a call me a sekowa which is setswana for sickly person. Thank God for I was hard of hearing for I never embodied that label. I rebelled against it. I was outside and always in the mix.My destiny was never to be a sekowa.
News flash: Your loved ones don't want you to be a winner. Your culture doesn't want you to be great. Its in their subconscious and its in their conditioning. Don't hate them or anything. Its just what they have been taught to believe. They just want to do okay. They want you to have a nice house and a nice car but don't be a billionaire or something crazy like that. Sell a few books?that's alright but don't be a global best-selling sensation. They don't want you to move out of the hood and into the landscape of opportunity.They don't want you in your element where you could dazzle the world. That’s why your teacher convinced you to go do accounting when you really wanted to be an actor. Your father convinced you to be a lawyer when you could have been a maestro of note. Your culture celebrates mediocrity and thwarts anything that is excellent. Excellence has to fight to see the light of day.
“People only stone a fruitful tree” - African Proverb. People won't come for you until you are doing something great.
Constantly refuse to be a victim. The devil will tempt with throwing yourself of the cliff of responsibility. He will tell you to blame something or someone for where you are in life. Refuse to be a loser and keep rising up to your greatness. God is with you every step and he smiling waiting to help every effort you make.
Don't forget to drink lots of water and mind your business folks.
Stay on the path of righteousness and be triumphant always.
I love you all.
Madume beecho!!!!
Refuse to be a loser, refuse to be a victim.
Be determined, be persistent, be patient.
Research before you begin what you intend doing.
If at first you don't succeed, don't be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.
WATER!!!! WATER!!!! and more WATER!!!!
In the beginning, Genesis 1:9, The Creator commanded "Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will appear"
He named the land "Earth", and the water "sea"
The water was uncommercialised, uncontaminated, and free to all creations.
Water is everywhere, and in all living things, and yet, not freely and readily available presently.
We cannot be separated from water, no water, no life.
Let's stay on the path of righteousness, and continue to utelise this natural commodity to the best of our accessibility.