Do not take behavioural cues from people who are not playing the same game as you. We are creatures of imitation, that's how trends spread. We like to do what others are doing. With social media we can constantly see what others are up to and more than ever we are under constant pressure to conform. Being tough nowadays is the ability to withstand social pressure which is so intense.
Listen ,the only game worth playing is the long game. Many people are optimising their lives for short term benefits. The nihilistic mindset of today makes people believe they won't reach the ages of 60,70,80 and 90. Lets do what is pleasurable and let the future take care of itself they say. People aren't investing in their health, finances and relationships. Everywhere you turn is people buying expensive toys and wearing tacky exorbitant name brands. You might be tempted to spend money like that also,but they are playing the short-term status game.They haven't factored in retirement,they think the money will always be there. Forget about building a family which is the best asset you can invest in as an individual, let's have multiple sex partners they say. Nobody tells them its lonely and cold if you alone in your golden years. You are only going to end up diseased and bitter if you continue down that path.Eat dirty, who cares? but you don't want to be burdened with a lifestyle disease in your latter years.
They are going to ask me what this substack is about. Its about “composure”. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…. Don't behave like everyone is behaving today. Do things now that will benefit you in 50 years. Most importantly do not be in a hurry to make it(whatever that is). Don't let them rush your process. Don't peak too soon. Patience is the key my dear brothers and sisters in triumph.Dont take behavioural cues from people who are not playing the same game as you and the only game worth playing is the long game.
Here is something to ruminate upon. In Africa,long term planning is 20 to 50 years. In the West long term is 50 to 100 years. In Japan when they talk long term,they are referring to 300 to 500 years. That's why I dig Japan, they play the ultimate long game
My name is Kagisho Molema and I am a winner who is building a winning mindset one action at a time.
Stay on the path of righteousness and be triumphant always.
I love you all.
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Tlhapi re a go leboga ka dikgang tse di monatenate tse o di aroganang le rona ka dinako tsotlhe
One needs to identify clearly what it is you wish to achieve in life, and play within the same league of those you share the same Ideals with.
Do not be afraid to ask how they play their successful game, but be mindful of the fact that, not everything will suit your game.
Be wise enough to select only what benefits your game, and discard whatever doesn't.
Already looking forward to the next substack
Be blessed